Monday, July 31, 2006
What I have gotten in trouble for today
Today, I have gotten into big trouble for breaking into the kitchen cupboard. I was trying to get into the bag of peanuts. I like to play with peanuts that are in their shells. But what I love is eating cashews! Sometimes my daddy is careless and drops one. That's when I move in for the kill!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I got over hating wind but I still hate thunder
I had a horrible night last night. Oh, I wish it had never happened! My humans were just enthralled with this thing called a "monsoon thunderstorm." They even went outside in it! They got wet! They actually walked towards the noise and light show that was happening! They are crazy! I couldn't believe it. The Traz has seen much in his short life, but this takes the cake. That storm was terrible. I learned last night that I do not like thunder, especially loud monsoon thunder -- the kind my human says comes after days of 116-degree weather. I hid in the kitchen. I hid in the entertainment center. My humans tried to calm me down, but I was worried about them because they kept going outside into the storm. It was wet! And there was wind! I didn't get my usual play time in last night because of all the drama going on. I'm really mad.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I should be on the Pet Promise bag
Pet Promise is my favorite food; my human buys it for me all the time because she knows what's good for her. It's yummy! I especially like the can of ocean fishes. Yum! But the only thing that bothers me about Pet Promise is the cat on the bag. That cat isn't as cute as me. I am much more fetchingly handsome than that homely cat. I think the folks at Pet Promise should do a photo session with me. I'd be a major upgrade! I am The Traz, afterall!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
What I've been up to lately
Lately, I, The Traz, have been playing like a demon. My daddy bought a new vacuum that is supposed to pick up pet hair and help his allergies. Apparently, he is allergic to me. I just don't understand this concept but it has caused our household to expand in the way of new appliances such as the new Bissell vacuum and an air purifier. The best part of these new appliances are the boxes they come in. I love playing in boxes! I also like to nap on my daddy's desk next to his keyboard. Another new hobby of mine is playing with the shutters. Today, I opened them all by myself!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
My first storm!
Ok, it really wasn't my first storm. Not the first storm I witnessed at least. The first storm I ever heard was in May, and I was terrified because there was thunder. And my human wasn't home at the time, which made it worse. Boy, did she hear about it when she got home!
Recently, I have enjoyed relaxing on the veranda if it isn't too hot outside. My human does allow me to sit on the veranda now and then, which is just fine with this housecat. Sometimes, I can even catch a bug to eat out there. They are fun snacks! But the other day, this wind came up and made me mad. It blew dust on my pretty black fur and that pissed me off. So I went inside. It spoiled my lazy afternoon of people watching on the veranda!
The other night, it was really windy and there was lightning. My human is so weird; she wanted to watch it. So she went on the veranda to do just this. Well, I couldn't let her face such danger on her own! I mean, it was so windy I couldn't imagine the kinds of things that would blow into her blonde fur! I figured she'd need some backup out there, so I joined her on the veranda.
Quel surprise, I enjoyed it! There was electricity in the air and we were hoping to see rain. I am not sure what rain is, but it must be good if my human likes it. So I stayed on the veranda for an hour with my human during the wind and lightning storm. I did have to hide a couple times, which is what I'm doing in the photo here. But my human said I was a very brave kitty! Yay me!