I got over hating wind but I still hate thunder
I had a horrible night last night. Oh, I wish it had never happened! My humans were just enthralled with this thing called a "monsoon thunderstorm." They even went outside in it! They got wet! They actually walked towards the noise and light show that was happening! They are crazy! I couldn't believe it. The Traz has seen much in his short life, but this takes the cake. That storm was terrible. I learned last night that I do not like thunder, especially loud monsoon thunder -- the kind my human says comes after days of 116-degree weather. I hid in the kitchen. I hid in the entertainment center. My humans tried to calm me down, but I was worried about them because they kept going outside into the storm. It was wet! And there was wind! I didn't get my usual play time in last night because of all the drama going on. I'm really mad.
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