I baked a cake!
For Father's Day, I instructed my human that we were to make a vegan lemon cake for my Grandpa Rich. Not only do I help my human in the office, but I help in the kitchen too! This is what I looked like after sifting the flour for our vegan cake. I'm a hard worker as you can tell. My Grandpa Rich loved his cake, as did the entire family. My human momma, Heather, and my human daddy, Jon, later finished it all up back at home. For all my hard work baking the cake, my grandparents let me run wild in their house! There's so much to explore! It was so fun. I was a little annoyed at how much time my humans spent outside in the pool swimming with those silly black labs, but at least I had the house to myself. I kind of want to be friends with those dogs, but I'm not sure about them yet. My uncle Jimmy didn't want to play with me again, but he's warming up to me. He said we could kick it when I grow up and he'll teach me exciting cat things I don't know about yet.
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